Weddings last weekend...

Yesterday, Put invited me to go to her cousin's wedding at Kampung Pengantin, Jalan Ampang, it was nice setting...the wedding theme was "The Final Stop" since it was the last reception held from the akad nikah that took place in Nov 07.

Well, when I reached there at 12.30pm, Put straight away made me the commitee member, help her give away the door gift...pandai ko eh Put...we were taking care of the less busier section, Put purposely choose that section...heheh, there was this picture taking & printing immediately, where the guest are expected to sign and write wishes at their pictures, this is then compiled as an was something nice that I have not seen in any weddings that I have attended...

Pengantin berarak (Ridzlan & Margie)

Majlis Bersanding & Aina (Sister of the Groom which is also my class mate standard 1 to 6)

Put giving away the door gifts...saja je nak promo gambar Put... :)

Door gifts & Picture with Put's Mum & Aina's friend...

Putri Intan, Put & her cousins...

The night before, Mai, Wea & I went for Daven & Malar's wedding at Kolej Ikraam, Kajang. Fendi (Meon) & Lin couldn't make it as they were both out of town, most probably distributing their wedding cards at kampung masing2...

The setting was like a garden wedding in the hall, it was nice, the main table was like a sangkar..check out the pictures...

There's Daven & wishes to you guys &
Mai - Congrats on the good news...take good care of yourself...
Wea..sorry gambar ko tak de lak!

Congratulations to both couples...

Next wedding, Aisyah on 1st of March, & Lin's 8th of March...Geng matrixssp, Aisyah suh jemput korang semua...if you guys can make it, datang la k...

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put said...

ish, nape la promote gambo aku tu. nmpk sgt mata sepetku dlm pic tu hahaha.
hmm that reminds me, i want to buy shades la shaz, jom gi shopping nanti! (keje xde, shopping sakan lak hahahaha)

shazzain said...

apa lak ur eyes..stop hiding it behind ur speks..hehe..

shades? amik je Irfan punya tu..

shopping? jom....!!