Mixed feelings...

Rasulullah saw. Bersabda bermaksud:“Sesungguhnya Allah telah memberi wahyu kepada Aku yang memerintahkan supaya kamu semua bersifat tawadduk sehingga tidak ada seseorang pun merasa dirinya megah (lebih bangga diri) dari orang lain dan tidak boleh seseorang itu menzalimi dan melampaui batas terhadap orang lain”.


1. Islam menuntut umatnya beramal dengan sifat tawadduk dan hormat menghormati sesama Islam dengan demikian akan lahirlah sebuah masyarakat Islam yang harmoni.
2. Kedudukan orang Islam disisi Allah adalah sama sahaja tarafnya. Oleh sebab itu Islam melarang umatnya melakukan kezaliman dan hendaklah menjauhkan sifat-sifat keji seperti membesar diri, bermegah dan sebagainya.
3. Islam melarang umatnya bersifat bangga diri, kerana mempunyai pangkat dan kedudukan yang tinggi, tetapi hendaklah bersifat hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain dan jangan merendahkan orang lain, kerana semulia mulia manusia di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa.

I am just wondering…do I have certain qualities that actually put people off? It’s just that I have been keeping some disturbing behavior in my mind about certain types of people & I actually wonder if I do the same to people…

Been thinking of some things that gets to me…

For example,
· If people are nice to you, doesn’t mean you get to walk all over them

· If people ask for your opinion / feedback, give it to them in a nice way, don’t just say what ever that comes to mind without thinking of other people’s feelings, especially if its more than one person around.

· If you want to maintain a good friendship with someone, don’t embarrass them, even if you think you are helping, because you are not. Put yourself in their shoes, do you think they can’t see what’s going on? What’s with the denial? Is it to show that you have a certain power over someone or something?

· If people like you, don’t play with their feelings, if you want to give them a chance, give, if you don’t move on, don’t leave people hanging or don’t give people hope unnecessarily. It’s a cruel thing anyone can do.

· If people give compliments, it’s sometimes better to keep it to yourself or you can just tell a close friend or two, telling people i.e. like ‘the whole world’ sometimes just shouts for more attention and it disgusts certain people. Just stop the attention seeking, attention is already given, want more? Become a celebrity…that should do the trick…

· If you know you have a certain power over people, don’t act or behave as if you don’t know, it is annoying to people that you are behaving oblivious

· If you think or feel that you are NOT beautiful, rich, loved, fair, dark etc ENOUGH when you know you have all those, don’t go on saying that you don’t have it…don’t you know how to appreciate the goodness that you are granted with? Or are you just fishing for more compliments? Or are you just trying to make the person who doesn’t have it all feel a lot worse so that you get to feel superior?

· If you want to tell someone a secret, make sure you don’t go around telling or acting mysterious to person you’re trying to hide it from, that person is no BOZO, he/she knows there’s something going on, and don’t get the person who you told the secret to into trouble with people, that’s just pure selfish & thoughtless!

· If you are no longer close to someone, don’t think you are, just let it go, don’t expect anything from that person, its just that you wont get what you expect i.e. invitation to hang out in a group or anything at all…they just don’t remember you as a friend, no point trying to remind them…its really pointless…just let them be

· If you really want to retain a friendship with your friends, just call them up and talk, chit chat…whatever... don’t just call them when you are in difficulty or in need, your friend will eventually pull away from you or even just ignore you.

· If people invite you (to a party, to hang out, to help on occasions), especially if they are someone close or you consider a friend, try to make it, if you keep turning down invitations or don’t even bother to respond to it, he/she will also pull away from you, there’s no point having a friendship which is a one way street.

· If you are in a group and it’s always that someone making plans, organizing for occasions, calling up or emailing the group members, don’t you think that this person that keeps having to organize or do the arrangements will get fed up? Take turns, don’t just expect that someone to always have to do the planning or organizing, even for things like a movie, a get together dinner, karaoke or even anything, what’s wrong if you organizing it too once in a while. Does this mean if this someone doesn’t do or say anything, there will be no meeting at all? So is that how it’s going to be? Looks like it…

Btw this is not intended for a specific person...It's just things that I have gathered the past few months...

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lucky said...

ooo dalam2.... aku takde comment sgt tp nak gak bubuh ni

weil ich fuer dich Mitleid habe


shazzain said...

ok..thats German i presume..& maksud nye apa Misz Dora?

lucky said...

hehehe maksudnyer..............

takde.. aku baru blajar phrase tu...
maksudnyer "because i pity you"

tak relevant tp sbb aku dah hafal bendalah tu so mcm nak jugak bubuh

shazzain said...

wow..i'm impressed..ur german is getting better..hahahha ko nak pindah ikut ikhwan eh? :)

sapekah~aku? said...

pehh.. bole tenggelam nih shaz.. deras & dalam.. huhuhu..

shazzain said...

ko bole nak tenggelam dalam apa tu suria?