Make-up & some 10 years ago stories...

Yesterday, watch season 4 of Sex in the City..had to skip season 3 since the dvd's were not good...looks like I have to go out and get it..hmm..

Later in the evening..went and picked up Kiah & headed to Cheras for make-up testing for Faizah who is getting engaged tomorrow morning...congrats Faizah! Well..took us almost an hour to reach there..tu la..nak sangat lalu ulu langat tu..pening je jalan..nasib baik ada Kiah with least kalau sesat..ada member! I have not been on that road for like 10 years...main redah je..nasib baik tak sesat..

Sampai2 je..ktrg dah Kiah gan tak malunya dah bgtau Faizah that we are hungry..heh terus dia order Pizza Hut..& then called Adriza to see if she cud join us..dia pun sampai within half an hour..terrer tul..tak sesat pun..siap blagak lak tu..having Kiah & Adriza there mmg memeriahkan suasana...they were like kanak2 ribena running around kejar each other n was really funny..(teringat lak zaman sekolah derang duq main kejar2 with Sri in the lab masa chemistry..pening Pn.Halimatus tu!) & somehow while we were talking about the BBGS days, Adriza mentioned about these gang the Destroyer's (ntah betul tak eja tu)..ntah pape la korang..beria je ada geng..konon2 gempak la zaman sekolah dulu (siap conteng2 meja!)...tapi I sikit pun tak tau about it until yesterday! hahahah

Tengah borak2 tu..teringat lak of one insident just before spm, our class teacher Pn.Rozai, bagi masa for us to study in the semua diam tgh blaja..tetibe Kiah came over to Faizah's place to ask some add math questions...I was in front of Faizah, just turn to the back & we ended up talking & chatting away. Then Pn Rozai spotted us talking (but did not really see me talking), called up Faizah & Fikriah to the front...kena marah & kena ketuk ketampi..lawak giler..they were trying to tell the teacher that I was involved as well in that chit chating group, but me being smart..buat bodo & buat buat study so Pn Rozai did not call me up (u see, I had that good girl look) & depa 2 org je kena ketuk ketampi kat depan tu, siap kena threaten tu...kalo tak buat kena potong markah for some paper ntah..I was laughing away...mmg gelak gile nak pecah perut (the whole class was)... I was just lucky I would say..because..I mmg was chit chatting with them!! sampai skang derang tak puas ati with me!! muahahahaha...that's really funny! Sorry la korang!!

Then after dinner, at about 9pm, we started the main make-up2, I was the "mak andam" for Faizah..yeah I was testing to make sure I wouldn't make a disaster of her face on her engagement day...& Kiah was testing power on Adriza...they were trying out the smokey eye ala Avril tu..boleh la..dalam 75% sesapa nak guna services Kiah (nama glemer Fik!), just let me know...

Make up je 1 hour..pastu testing tudung another 2 hours..wahh..big deal tau nak pakai tudung apa, serkup apa, selendang mana..& the accesories the time we finished playing & fooling around with all the make-up, tudung & picture taking, we were so tired that we juz took Faizah's offer to stay was already 1am then..tak kuasa lah nak drive back..

We stayed up borak2,looking at the school magazine sampai was nice looking back at how everyone has progressed since 10 years now I really need to start organizing the 10 year reunion..Eliana!! lets start calling people up for the 1st committee meeting..seriously..dah lama postpone..kang tak jadi..sedey je...

I really need to organize my time...who want's to gimme a course on Time Management? :) hehe

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lucky said...

mane gambar make up2 ? nak tgk?

shazzain said...

ala kat camera member la..i kan takde camera..:(