Dora's 1000 wajah...

On Saturday..went for this photo shoot for 1000 wajah since dora jadi broker mencari 1000 wajah, well she's just helping out her janji with Dora to meet her there dalam 1pm, but terlambat sket kat salon...& the jam kat tol sunway was sooo bad, ni kat tol he we were half an hour there, end up sampai sana 2 plus..kesian Dora..terpaksa tunggu puteri2 ni sampai...Michelle dah lama kat sana..dah balik pun..was hoping to see her..lama tak jumpa...

anyway...terasa cam model sekejap..ada make-up sets n all gler..just that I dah siap make up sendiri dalam tak dapat la nak guna product2 tu...Eliana had a blast make-up-ing with those Elianto products...

To find out more about this 1000 wajah...visit Dora's blog here

Here's some pictures of us fooling around before the photo shoot..

Tgh bersiap2...I gan dora tu posing konon2 make-up je tu...

..Dora loves the photographer's environment..siap blakon jadi photographer tu...ada bakat terpendam nie...

This pictures with the flower nie...all Dora's inspiration... :) & the 3 of us depan cermin...

Then..after the fooling around...we actually took pictures with the actual photographer... this uncle amik gambar frontal and profile pictures kiri and kanan..then there was the group picture...of which Elaine n me je la amik..since Dora dah banyak join the pictures with all her friends earlier...would have been great if Put could make it, she was too tired from helping out with her cousin's wedding preparation...tido she decided not to join us..

Picture before leaving the Kelana Jaya office...

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put said...

bestnyer!! yeah i wished i cld have gone wit u gals huhuhu..

elaine, wah nmpk lain wif the makeup, bertmbh cun gitu. that's hot!! hehehe

shaz, u really shld promote ur makeup-ing services la, make money wif it. u really got a talent for it! =)

shazzain said...

yeah u shud have!..takpe la..u plan la with ur cousins lak..

Yeah Elaine looks good with the make up cam model gitu..

heheh..kelakar je nak promote make up services..hahaha

put said...

ala, promote je kt blog ni n say price is negotiable heheh

shazzain said...

err..sapa je pun baca sini..member2 jugak...end up free services jugak..wahahah

ajeeta said...

hampeh...tak sbao2, nak join gak...tapi korang dah pegi dulu..xpela..:(

shazzain said...

ala kumpul la geng azita!! ramai je lagi tak pegi la tu..