Salam peeps....just a small note to wish all Malaysians Happy Merdeka Day!
Satu Malaysia....Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan!
I seriously hope Malaysians can unite to make this country a better Malaysia....enough with the political & racial chaos!
I Love Malaysia!
~1st time blogging from mobile!~
Merdeka Salamz!
Some of the good & bad...
This was in the mail..from mummy dearie..I liked I'm sharing it :)
Some very Good and Very bad things ..
The most destructive habit: Worry (I do this a lot..gotta stop)
The greatest Joy: Giving (I like this! but maybe I don't do enough...)
The greatest loss: Loss of self-respect (I think it's still in-tact)
The most satisfying work: Helping others (yes definately!)
The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness (I hate selfish ppl..just hope I don't turn out to be one)
The most endangered species: Dedicated leaders (exactly...look at the politic arena!)
Our greatest natural resource: Our youth (I still have mine :) )
The greatest 'shot in the arm': Encouragement (very true..I need this)
The greatest problem to overcome: Fear (hmm...)
The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of mind (spot on!)
The most crippling failure disease: Excuses (This I do! & have to stop..)
The most powerful force in life: Love (yup...I love my family & true friends)
The most dangerous act: A gossip (I have got to stop this!)
The world's most incredible computer: The brain (need to train it more, remove the blurness!)
The worst thing to be without: Hope (I got hope...)
The deadliest weapon: The tongue (soo true..)
The two most power-filled words: 'I Can' (yeah..I can do it!)
The greatest asset: Faith (I have faith in Allah)
The most worthless emotion: Self- pity (I hate people who wallow in self pity and not do anything about it! enough already...other people have problems too, but they don't show it!)
The most beautiful attire: SMILE! (Have to do this more...)
The most prized possession: Integrity (Do I have this?)
The most powerful channel of communication: Prayer (back to faith too)
The most contagious spirit: Enthusiasm (definately!)
Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends; when you stop Believing,
Love ends; when you stop Caring,
And Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing...!!
The one about " I "...
Another thing that’s been bugging me, I just wanna say I hate copy cats and even more when they copy something I’m not proud of doing and it just makes me the ‘bad influence’ when I wasn’t trying to be one! So please don’t follow the bad things I do and please don’t mention the bad things I do…well friends don’t from what I know of friendship. And yes, I’m no angel…so what?
On friendship, I am getting sick and tired of the one way street friendship that appears to be two way but is sometimes actually one way (if you get the drift)…it’s just that the emotional bank account is already at a deficit and I can’t take anymore neither can I give anymore. If it's always (fine most of the time) me doing the advising and motivating, what happens to me? Why don’t I get advice on the things that I do which are wrong...I’m not that much of a positive person myself, who helps me then? So I think I’m gonna take care of myself from here on and treat those equally the way they treat me. And I know, by me not being bothered and all, this is how friendship breaks, eventually… well it’s all coming to an end anyway…I will have to accept that I will be on my own eventually…everybody leaves (peyton’s style OTH) whether they move on to the other side, get married, get a bf or whatever…Fine I admit I’m being a drama queen, but that’s just how I feel at the moment…it’s sad.
I have also noticed something about myself, lately, when my mind & feelings are messed up i.e. angry, disappointed, stressed etc, I not only eat, but I shop…I shop on those things that I really want but wouldn’t normally buy kinda thing…but it’s ok I guess, since it makes me happy in that moment in time…I’m gonna be doing more shopping instead of eating…erm I think I gotta get rid of ALL the credit cards then! The dangerous me is being unleashed! Ahaks!
Apa itu Istidraj...
Apa itu Istidraj...
Minggu lepas, kawan seofis Fendi tanya "Kenapa kadang kala kita lihat seseorg insan tu sentiasa dapat kegembiraan spt dapat naik pangkat, murah rezeki dll sedangkan dia tu selalu melakukan kemungkaran? ".
So,Fendi pun jawablah yang kdg kala sesuatu anugerah Allah swt kpd seseorg individu tu bukanlah sebab Allah sayangkan hambanya itu tetapi kerana Allah nak tengok sejauh mana keikhlasan orang itu. Allah nak tengok adakah hambanya itu akan menyedari bahawa Allah amat bermurah hati dengannya jadi sepatutnya dia bersyukur dan berubah menjadi baik. Tapi jika individu itu masih tidak reti bersyukur maka sesungguhnya dia telah menimbulkan kemurkaan Ar-Rahman.Teringat juga Fendi pd satu penjelasan ustazah sekolah rendah dulu.
Ada member tanya kenapa kdg2 kita dah banyak kali berdoa tapi belum dapat apa yang diimpikan. Ustazah kata itu tandanya Allah sayang pada kita.Sebabnya Allah tahu kalau kita lambat atau belum dpt yg diimpikan, kita akan terus berdoa dan mengingati Ilahi. Sebenarnya Allah amat rindukan suara hamba-hambaNya merayu dan memujiNya. Kalau sekali berdoa terus dapat, kemungkinan besar lepas tu kita kita taksub dan lupa utk bersyukur pd yg Esa.
Tup-tup dpt pula artikel ni drp seorg rakan. A very relevant and interesting article. Semoga Allah beratkan timbangan ibadah kita drp timbangan dosa di Pdg Mahsyar nanti. InsyaAllah..
Apakah dia istidraj itu?
Ianya adalah pemberian nikmat Allah kepada manusia yang mana pemberian itu tidak diredhaiNya. Inilah yang dinamakan istidraj.
Rasullulah s. a.w. bersabda :"Apabila kamu melihat bahawa Allah Taala memberikan nikmat kepada hambanya yang selalu membuat maksiat (durhaka),ketahuila h bahawa orang itu telah diistidrajkan oleh Allah SWT."
Diriwayatkan oleh At-Tabrani, Ahmad dan Al-Baihaqi)
Tetapi, manusia yang durhaka dan sering berbuat maksiat yang terkeliru dengan pemikirannya merasakan bahawa nikmat yang telah datang kepadanya adalah kerana Allah berserta dan kasih dengan perbuatan maksiat mereka.
Masih ada juga orang ragu-ragu, kerana kalau kita hendak dapat kebahagian didunia dan akhirat kita mesti ikut jejak langkah Rasullulah saw dan berpegang teguh pada agama Islam.
Tetapi bagaimana dengan ada orang yang sembahyang 5 waktu sehari semalam, bangun tengah malam bertahajjud, puasa bukan di bulan Ramadhan sahaja, bahkan Isnin, Khamis dan puasa sunat yang lain. Tapi, hidup mereka biasa sahaja. Ada yang susah juga. Kenapa? Dan bagaimana pula orang yang seumur hidup tak sembahyang, puasa pun tak pernah, rumahnya tersergam indah, kereta mewah menjalar, duit banyak, dia boleh hidup kaya dan mewah.
Bila kita tanya, apa kamu takut mati? Katanya, alah, orang lain pun mati juga, kalau masuk neraka, ramai-ramai.
Tak kisahlah! Sombongnya mereka, takburnya mereka.
Rasullulah s. a. w. naik ke langit bertemu Allah pun tak sombong, Nabi Sulaiman, sebesar-besar pangkatnya sehinggakan semua makhluk di muka bumi tunduk di bawah perintahnya pun tak sombong! Secantik-cantik Nabi Yusof dan semerdu suara Nabi Daud, mereka tak sombong. Bila sampai masa dan ketikanya, mereka tunduk dan sujud menyembah Allah.
Manusia istidraj - Manusia yang lupa daratan. Walaupun berbuat maksiat, dia merasa Allah menyayanginya. Mereka memandang hina kepada orang yang beramal. "Dia tu siang malam ke masjid, basikal pun tak mampu beli, sedangkan aku ke kelab malam pun dengan kereta mewah. Tak payah beribadatpun, rezeki datang mencurah-curah. Kalau dia tu sikit ibadat tentu boleh kaya macam aku, katanya sombong." Sebenarnya, kadang-kadang Allah memberikan nikmat yang banyak dengan tujuan untuk menghancurkannya.
Rasullulah s. a. w bersabda: "Apabila Allah menghendaki untuk membinasakan semut, Allah terbangkan semua itu dengan dua sayapnya" (Kitab Nasaibul æIbad) Anai-anai, jika tidak bersayap, maka dia akan duduk diam di bawah batu atau merayap di celah-celah daun, tetapi jika Allah hendak membinasakannya, Allah berikan dia sayap. Lalu, bila sudah bersayap, anai-anai pun menjadi kelkatu. Kelkatu, bila mendapat nikmat (sayap) , dia akan cuba melawan api. Begitu juga manusia, bila mendapat nikmat, cuba hendak melawan Allah swt.
Buktinya, Firaun. Nikmatnya tak terkira, tidak pernah sakit, bersin pun tidak pernah kerana Allah berikannya nikmat kesihatan. Orang lain selalu sakit, tapi Firaun tidak, orang lain mati, namun dia masih belum mati-mati juga, sampai rasa angkuh dan besar diri lantas mengaku dirinya tuhan. Tapi dengan nikmat itulah Allah binasakan dia.
Namrud, yang cuba membakar Nabi Ibrahim. Betapa besar pangkat Namrud? Dia begitu sombong dengan Allah, akhirnya menemui ajalnya hanya disebabkan seekor nyamuk masuk ke dalam lubang hidungnya.
Tidak ada manusia hari ini sekaya Qarun. Anak kunci gudang hartanya sahaja kena dibawa oleh 40 ekor unta. Akhirnya dia ditenggelamkan bersama-sama hartanya sekali akibat terlalu takbur. Jadi kalau kita kaya, jangan sangka Allah sayang, Qarun lagi kaya, akhirnya binasa juga.
Jadi, jika kita kaji dan fikir betul-betul, maka terjawablah segala keraguan yang mengganggu fikiran kita. Mengapa orang kafir kaya, dan orang yang berbuat maksiat hidup senang /mewah.
Pemberian yang diberikan oleh Allah pada mereka bukanlah yang diredhaiNya. Rupa-rupanya ianya adalah bertujuan untuk menghancurkannya. Untuk apa hidup ini tanpa keredhaanNya? Tetapi jangan pula ada orang kaya beribadat, masuk masjid dengan kereta mewah kita katakan itu istidraj.
Orang naik pangkat, istidraj. Orang-orang besar, istidraj.. Jangan! Orang yang mengunakan nikmatnya untuk kebajikan untuk mengabdi kepada Allah bukan istidraj. Dan jangan pula kita tidak mahu kekayaan. Kalau hendak selamat, hidup kita mesti ada pegangan.
Bukan kaya yang kita cari, juga bukan miskin yang kita cari. Tujuan hidup kita adalah mencari keredaan Allah. Bagaimana cara untuk menentukan nikmat yang diredhai Allah? Seseorang itu dapat menyedari hakikat yang sebenarnya tentang nikmat yang diterimanya itu ialah apabila dia bersyukur nikmatnya.
Dia akan mengunakan pemberian ke jalan kebaikan dan sentiasa redha dan ikhlas mengabdikan diri kepada Allah. Maka segala limpah kurnia yang diperolehi itu adalah nikmat pemberian yang diredhai Allah. Bila tujuan hidup kita untuk mencari keredhaan Allah, niscaya selamatlah kita di dunia dan akhirat.
"Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R. A, Rasulullah S. A. W bersabda:
"Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat.."
From my Unkel Man...
JAZAQALLAH for the email below which is an excellent example of what is happening right now among the majority of muslims in the world. I suppose they feel they worked hard to get where they are today & what they have and they feel this has nothing to do with the ‘gift’ from ALLAAH.
We have to believe that everything belongs to ALLAAH and the life we have now is a LOAN from ALLAAH, the things HE has given us are on loan to see if we appreciate his ‘gifts’ to us.
Look at how rich the non believers are! They form the richest community in the world today. We have seen and heard of what has happened to their riches – all in vain as nothing was spent for the sake of ALLAH but for their own Life’s sake…. They had not invested for the Hereafter……. Well, they can only do so if they are believers…
So, the Muslims, being believers must give thanks to ALLAAH for HIS ‘gift’ by following HIS Commands – which is so simple yet so difficult for some to please Allaah.
May ALLAAH bless those who appreciate HIS ‘gifts’ to them, Ameen.
Thank you for sharing this excellent article on INSTIDRAJ with me and may those who read this be blessed for all the things they do for the sake of ALLAAH – Ameen.
It has been an eye-opener for the month of RAMADHAN. May Allaah bless you for sharing this article with all your friends and relatives.. Ameen.
Cup Cakes & Monopoly...
The Raya Cookies Samples...for more, check them out here
The models for the Cup Cakes...posing with different colours each :)
The models for the Raya Cookies Sample...models are doing a good job there...very enthusiastic! The Cookies are good by the way...
For orders & more, visit Haslina's Cookies House.
And we started playing the monopoly cards...I won most of the games! hahah...but we are all getting better at it with our own strategies!
On another note, I am also selling London Almonds (yupp..I'm baking) & also Makmur & Coffee fingers (same as last years) for Raya, so anyone wants to order, let me know ya...not full swing as last year since most of us (the divas) are busy this year..
Also Eliana is selling her yummy Choc chip Cookies...sorry no pictures...but for those who knows of its goodness, you may want to place your orders directly to her..
Adios...Ramadhan Salamz..
Kak.Ta's Surprise Birthday Bash
So...the day before Kak Fara Dina called me and invited my sis & I to the apartment for K.ta's birthday...I went like "who's apartment?"...seriously I thought we were having it in someone's house i.e. apartment..heheh, she got irritated, apparantly everyone she called was asking the same question...heh anyways, thanks Fara Dina for the invitation & the dinner of course :)
here's us...before ordering the food...
Cake cutting, after dinner...really nice rich thick choc cake...!
All wanted a picture with the birthday gurl..
Finally...a group picture before we left...
I liked the food there, not bad, how come I have been getting comments that it isn't that great? I will definately have dinner there again :)
d new set of card game..
Surprise visitors again!
Anyways, since it was raining cats & dogs last evening, we met up later at night for supper, we tried out this new place at Ampang Waterfront, Coffee Sugar & Spice, not bad..but just don't order the mee curry, the rest it good especially the Tuna Meltz, Nasi Ulam, & their Goreng2 dishes..
That's the 10 of's been a while since the whole family had dinner together, this was great!
ohh, and I got the Privilege Card - 20% off, I just paid RM3 for it (promotional price) - why not eh?
Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu siangnya engkau sibuk berzikir
tentu engkau tak akan jemu melagukan syair rindu
mendayu...merayu...kepada- NYA Tuhan yang satu
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu sholatmu kau kerjakan di awal waktu
sholat yang dikerjakan.. .sungguh khusyuk lagi tawadhu'
tubuh dan qalbu...bersatu memperhamba diri
menghadap Rabbul Jalil... menangisi kecurangan janji
"innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati lillahirabbil 'alamin"
[sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku, dan matiku...
kuserahkan hanya kepada Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam]
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tidak akan kau sia siakan walau sesaat yang berlalu
setiap masa tak akan dibiarkan begitu saja
di setiap kesempatan juga masa yang terluang
alunan Al-Quran bakal kau dendang...bakal kau syairkan
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu malammu engkau sibukkan dengan
bertarawih.. .berqiamullail. ..bertahajjud. ..
mengadu...merintih. ..meminta belas kasih
"sesungguhnya aku tidak layak untuk ke syurga-MU
tapi...aku juga tidak sanggup untuk ke neraka-MU"
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu dirimu tak akan melupakan mereka yang tersayang
mari kita meriahkan Ramadhan
kita buru...kita cari...suatu malam idaman
yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu engkau bakal menyediakan batin dan zahir
mempersiap diri...rohani dan jasmani
menanti-nanti jemputan Izrail
di kiri dan kanan ...lorong-lorong redha Ar-Rahman
Duhai Ilahi....
andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami
jadikanlah ia Ramadhan paling berarti...paling berseri...
menerangi kegelapan hati kami
menyeru ke jalan menuju ridho serta kasih sayangMu Ya Ilahi
semoga bakal mewarnai kehidupan kami di sana nanti
Namun teman...
tak akan ada manusia yang bakal mengetahui
apakah Ramadhan ini merupakan yang terakhir kali bagi dirinya
yang mampu bagi seorang hamba itu hanyalah
berusaha...bersedia ...meminta belas-NYA
wahai tuhan ku tak layak kesyurgamu ... namun tak pula aku sanggup ke Nerakamu ... kami lah hamba yang mengharap belas darimu "ya allah jadikan lah kami hamba-hamba mu yang bertaqwa..ampunkan dosa-dosa kami kedua ibubapa kami .dosa semua umat-umat islam yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia" Amin.....
andai benar ini Ramadhan terakhir buat saya
Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al- Mubarak.
p/s: Thank You Izliana for the email...:)
40 & Fabulous...Happy Birthday Aunty Shafinas!
here's some pictures of the cousins & aunties...
Aunty Shafinas cuts her 40th birthday cake with the family...
Games, Poco-poco, Dance & Karaoke
All of us - family members...
more of us the camwhores! hahah
Happy 40th Birthday Aunty Shafinas...also a shout out to Kak Anita who is also 40 this year! May you gurls have wonderful years ahead!
Kak Ta turns 40 on 19 Aug 09...
shazzain wants...
I WANT a second life, in order to get it, I WANT to loose weight!
That's what my personal couch told me today, no she told me I deserve a second life, the one where I'm healthy and that I am able to pursue my other dreams...(not that I'm sick or anything, but if i continue in this direction, that's where I'm heading) so yeah, that's what I want too right now, please help me God...
It's been a weird week, too many things happening, but I'm glad that things are looking up and most of us are in the right direction now...aren't we?
Updated: Dinner meet up with Su & Put..@ cpk, not been here in a long time...kinda missed the food..
Going karaoka-ing with the actuarial gang, initially there we a lot of us, now, there's only 3 or 4 coming, well, we can still have fun & we will...
Congrats to Mich for the good news, but sorry about the morning sickness..
Nurul, get well soon...I hope everything is well for you.
The rest of d actuarial gang, I will be seeing you today at staggered hours today, hopefully!
the mind...
"The mind is like a clock that is
Constantly running down.
It has to be wound up daily with good thoughts."
Still trying to get my hands on the RM4k in RedFm FourPlay contest...please give it to me!! I want it! (Yes I am asking, and want the universe to align and respond! - The Secret)heh...does it work this way?
Doa elak penyakit berjangkit
Click on the picture for a clearer view...
Another remedy / prevention:
Fennel Seed Treatment Claimed Effective to Prevent Swine Flu (Jintan Manis)
Sharjah: Drinking a decoction made of fennel seeds soaked in warm water first thing in the morning could prevent you from catching swine flu says a study published in a Chinese medical research magazine.
According to report published in Al Khaleej a local Arabic daily, the study has resulted in an increase of fennel seeds sales by 50 per cent in some Asian countries. The report read that similar increase in sales was also visible in countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The fennel seed warm drink is being distributed to people who are making pilgrimage to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
Gallivanting in the town of Kuantan
Stayed at MS Garden Hotel...& had lunch at Kemaman Kopitiam
At The Rhu & Muara Beach Resort, Put doing her work...we just escorting her..:)
Stopped for drinks at KFC, later at Kuantan Megamall, hung out at Starbucks, & then Ana Ikan Bakar Petai for dinner...
Later on, on the way back, we stopped at starbucks for an expresso shot, well Put wanted to stay up to her work, while I was just accompanying her stay up and uploading pictures to FB..heheh
The Reception: Shereen & Sha'ari
08 Aug 09 @ 8pm: Wedding Reception of Shereen & Sha'ari held at Taman Medan.
The pictures shall do the talking :)
The beautiful pelamin
I liked the deco on the maintable...
The bride & groom walks in...
With the cousins, babies, & cake cutting ceremony...
More pics with the cousins, inspite of the power failure, we continued snapping!
Some pics with the bride at the end...
It was a great wedding, Selamat Pengantin Baru Shereen & Sha'ari!
For more pictures, click here (viewing for family & friends)
The Akad: Shereen & Sha'ari
Congratulations & Selamat Pengantin Baru Shereen & Sha'ari...! Some pictures from the Akad & bersanding during the day...
The Akad Nikah, 08 Aug 09, 11am @ Kelana Jaya
For more pictures, click here (viewing for family & friends)
Mehendi Night - Malam Berinai for Shereen
I was the impromptu MC, didn't do a good job..very informal..heheh
Started by the oldest in the family, my Grandaunt, Tok Jijah, followed by uncles & Aunties
Next the cousins - this is the only time we get to do the "merenjis kecil" i.e give our blessings
Some of the happenings...
Pictures with the cousins!
Pictures with the little ones...
Gonna be missing this...
Congratulations Rasha & Zameer!!
The Akad held at Kerala on 8th Aug 09 (tomorrow) - missed a great chance to see my kampung! (mum's side)
And this is the invitation for the reception in Chennai (12th Aug 09)...
Since the invitations are different as compared to ours here in Malaysia, I decided to publish it here :)
To my sister Natasha - Rasha is your age and already getting married? When is your turn?? hehehehe
Reunion: BBGS@Pavillion
Zahira (my sis), won the lucky draw, she got a printer. None of us from batch98 got anything! normally elaine is the lucky one...hahah I guess our batch is not that lucky after all! Helmi got us each a flower at the end, so sweet!
The teachers that we met:
Pn.Jagdip – she was my teacher in standard 5 I think, teaching English, she always scolded me for being naughty and she remembers me as that only! Hahahah. I remember meeting her again in SBU, and she remembered my name then…
Ms.Jeyanthi – She was my science teacher in form 2. She was telling us how she missed BBGS, how things are not the same anymore. She says we are independent, we didn’t need to be chased after to get work done be it social events or homework! Also, she said all they did was threatened us to get things done, and it was done! We were a good bunch…
Pn.Wahiddah – Class teacher form 1U & 2U (year 94 & 95), she remembers us too. And she’s still small and we have grown taller than her now (she said this!) hahah
Mrs.Lyla Roberts - My english teacher in form 4 & 5(sc1) - 97 & 98. She did something really nice for me back in form 4, you see, for the Choral Speaking at Hilton (explained below), we had to wear this peach baju kurungs with kain batik and there wasn't any with my size, she went to get the same peach material and got it tailored to my size, I actually told her it's ok, I didn't want to join, but she insisted and went out the extra mile yeah for that I'm grateful.
Pn.Azawiyah – didn’t really teach me, but she remembers me
And of course, Mrs Yap (the legend according to Hasliza), although she wasn’t the HM during our time, but we remember her from primary school days and just had to take a pic with her. There was Ms Chia, Mrs Jill and some others which we didn’t manage to take pics with.
Also Ras Adiba & Sasha Elite was there, Hasliza wanted to take pictures, so we all did! But Azita did the talking, since we were all “shy shy cat!”
Most of all, I miss the choral speaking. I remember one historical event that I am so honored to be a part of. We once did a presentation for the Director General of Education in 1997. The poem was all about him as he was retiring, but the guests really enjoyed it. That dinner took place at the old KL Hilton at Jalan Sultan Ismail. It was great being a part of it! Also, our class won that year for interclass competition – the judge was actually at the dinner at KL Hilton (I think there was some biased-ness since we didn’t think it was that good compared to 4sc2, which did better that year, but it’s ok, they won the next year, kan Azita..ur class!)
Ok back to the reunion, there was choral speaking, choir -singing the centenary song & school song. I loved the sing along part! Our batch98 that made it for the Gala Dinner was Azita, Eliana, Hasliza, Najua, Kartina, Audrey, Ee Von, Jin May, Ai May, Peay Ying, Farrah Shamilla all in about 15 of us. Myra had purchased her ticket but she couldn’t make it, she had “something” of the eyes, which was red and scary (according to her). Ok Myra, I know you are sad, don’t cry, I got you some souvenirs.
Some of the batch98 members doing the "look away" pose...
More pictures of this great event, click here
d cake n all...'s the kutoms & the cake...
Pictures! What else to do... :)
Photo shoot with the cousins!
Later on met Elaine & Put...Put fetched me from my cousin's place and we headed to KLCC for some indulging...we wanted Hagen Diaz, but no ala-carte order, therefore we decided to go to Chillies! (yeah second time in the week! - I'm soo lovin it!). hehehe got a candid shot of them..
Here's the Yummy Chocolate Chip Molten cake again! Love it!! & Thanks for the present put!! now I have a hat too!
And then we went shopping for Put! a crazy hunt for a perfect dress...and we found not only 1 but three...funny story...not for display..and by the time we finished, we went to tryout another middle east cuisine (Moroccan) - Al-Magreb Restaurant at Jalan comment...:p
Thank you so much for everything everyone especially the cousins, my dad & off course my escorts for the day Elaine & Put, I had a Ggrrreeaatttt day!! Luv u all!