Catching up with the babies

Last weekend was me catching up with baby visits...starts off with Amm & Kerek's new born, Irdina Zahrah (2 mths old) & also a visit to their new home in Shah Alam, nice...check out Michelle modeling the house off!

Amm prepared pancakes for us, she wanted to make spaghetti, but I stopped, you know due to my diet programme :), Thanks Amm!

Next, was kenduri at Ija's place also Shah Alam, wishing her parents off for a save umrah...that's us!

Then we decided to pay Aireen & Adeeb & their baby girl Aqeelah Aireessya (one month old) a visit @Klang. Adeeb was very hospitable, all kinds of things he served us :), also we got to look at their wedding album...

There's the picture of us listening to Aireen's horror birth stories, and then all kinds of other stories came out from during school days, of course gossips! & here's one funny story from the past:

At the gym after the physical excersice class, in the toilet (Gurl X is an attention seeker who seeks for others compliments continuously!):
Gurl X: Ee hitamnyer aku (while looking at the mirror and touching her face)

Guess what, right beside was a dark Indian girl (Gurl Y)...I wonder how she felt

Gurl Z (the observer) - (Facial expression - what the hell!!) --> this gurl X is a fair & considered beautiful / cute at school...what was the need for that statement??! She just left the place, kinda laughing inside at how stupid and inconsiderate Gurl X was!

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lucky said...

am dah pindah shah alam ke ? which part ? seksyen apa ? itu baby baby yg sama bday dgn aku tuu! coolnesss!!!!

shazzain said...

Yes, dia dah pindah last month...for safety reasons I wont say where in Shah Alam! hahah...nanti I bgtau lar..yes Irdina has the same birthday as you...hmmph..