Wishes to my friends

A congratulations note to Michelle on her first born baby boy today - Alfie Yusuf..& Marina /Mcna on her second child, also a boy...I'm happy for you guys, take care!!

Also a Happy Birthday message to Wea (18-3) - turns 29 this year...closely followed by Huda (19-3) & Bol (29-3)..Happy Birthday Gurls..May Allah bless you always...3 series next year babes!!

on another note..I'm on leave for 2 days...gotta complete these annoying assignments due on 21-3, arghh, I have started on one..I really don't know if I can complete the second one..maybe forgo the 20marks and strive really hard on the finals..gosh..anyways..feeling bad since I have been sleeping, playing games, watching tv & updating the blog instead of focusing on the assignments..I just can't! maybe later tonight I will get some ideas and get my focus back *hoping* :)

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