Kids & me...

Kids usually don't like me, maybe coz I'm garang..or look scary or what eva it is, sometimes my cousins scare their kids using my name like I'm a villain or something (Not funny Farah!) when they meet me they kinda behave & they are actually scared of me (I can feel it! Kessiiaan Yasmeen & Farhan)..but this is be liked!

Was out with the cousins till late on Monday night, so naturally all the mom's (2 of them)went home late & got questioned by the goes the dialog of one of them..

Conversation with Qaish (I didn't make it up, the mum sent it via sms to me this morning) hehehe:
Qaish: Why mama balik lambat yesterday?
Mama: Because I go and do my hair then I pi jumpa aunty Shaz
Qaish: Alaaa, Qaish nak jumpa Aunty Shaz...
Mama: Why you nak jumpa Aunty Shaz?
Qaish: because Qaish suka Aunty Shaz
Mama: Wooowwwww..hahah!

Sukenyee..a kid likes me...! or maybe he got himself confused with Aunty Nut (my sis!)

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Anonymous said...

nms: this time around he's not confuse, i ask him u know which one is aunty shaz x? and he said yes, yg gumuk mcm mama tuh!!!! hahahah!!!

by the way i think most of the cousin using ur name to scare them cause ur dad was like that before and all of us are sooo scared of him!! hahah!! and the history continue..hehhehe!!

shazzain said...

hahaha so cute...he can call u gemuk..but org lain tak leh eh! hahaha

ceh..guna la nama zahira..tak pasal2 I kena!