the typing test

Got this from Sheri, thought I'd give it a try, I wonder what will be my speed if I were to type in Malay...hmmm..


You type 292 characters per minute
You have 49 correct words and
You have 2 wrong words

ohh yeah...I'm that free today...month reports...just wait till next week when the reports starts kicking in...until then, I'm free! I did ask for additional work from the CRO, he asked me if what I was doing i.e. workload was enough, I told him its not, and he fears that I might get bored (which I am already!), so he says he will assign me to an on-going project under Retail Credit Risk as they can use my analytical background, cool...get to learn new things! some say I'm a workaholic...I guess better that than LLB - Look Like Busy! You don't learn anything LLB-ing other than improving your acting skills...:)

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knitfreak-to-be said...

padan la free gile..dah berapa post dah ari ni? :p

shazzain said...

wakakakak...mmg pun...err..da 4 dah for today, dah nak kul 5, so stop there lah..hahahah