Quarterlife Crisis??!

Am I having the quarterlife crisis? From this article, I do have some stuff in common! here are some snippets from the article...

"“I want to have kids, and every day that goes by, I have this number in my head. It’s 32. It used to be 30. That’s only a few years from now. I’m thinking, if I don’t do some of this stuff now, before I have kids, am I going to be able to do it?” Women are roundly considered to be in biologically ideal form for baby-making in their twenties and early thirties, which are also prime fun-having and career-building years. For women who want all of the things promised by (theoretically) equal education, work and sex lives, the conflict of desires can be catastrophic. Leah, who is a 26-year-old with a demanding corporate job, says “I feel tied down because of my job, but at the same time feel that while I am single and young I should travel because I don’t have any obligations to other people, and it’s only going to get harder as I get older.” Sarah says, “Am I going to have regrets? Once you have kids, your opportunities are over. That’s probably not true. But everyone seems to change. All of the women who I work with who have kids, they change. Their priorities shift.” "

"Now every time I’m faced with a change or new situation or find myself bored, I ask myself if this is a part of the cycle, or is this genuinely how I’m feeling.”

I took the test "Am I having a Quarterlife Crisis?", well most of my answers were (b), which tells me "You’re not in crisis, yet, but you’re starting to show some signs. Time to think about a five-year plan"

Now I gotta make my 5 years plan...sigh..

How about you? feeling the same or not at all?

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knitfreak-to-be said...

aku pon dah rase quaterlife crisis ni....haish..never knew this existed in the first place. Topik pagi ni di HotFM AM krew...belum bertemu jodoh..adus...kena lagi..huhuhuhu...

shazzain said...

hahah the other day kat mix ke light pasal blind dates, hampeh tul...