New years deal this time...

I was clearing my mails as usual in the mornings and came accross my daily astrology as per below:

Dear Shaz,
Here is your horoscope for Tuesday, December 30:
You've got a lot to be
proud of as you look back on the year and ought to be able to build on it as you look forward to the next one. It's a really good time to think of positive resolutions for the coming year.

this triggered me to do the resolution on...

my so called proud accomplishments this year:
1. My successful surprise party for my mum - thank you again to the committee members i.e. family & friends you know who you are
2.Decided to join herbalife program although it wasnt really a success, but at least I made that decision to join & stop my weight from adding on...managed to maintain (or go down about 5kg's) this year!
3. Went to Bali with friends! - yes this is considered an accomplishment, its my first trip out of Malaysia with friends...& Went to India for my cousin's was great meeting up with everyone there!
4. Completed 3 papers of CIFP, another 3 to go for part 1 since I skipped one semester!
5. Organized a successful 10 yr highschool reunion for my batch, again thank you again to the committee members.
6. Join the gym & have been going steadily for the past 1 and a half month, can't say there's any reduction in kg's since the machine can't capture 100kg's and above (yes I am more than 100kg's but I don't care since I'm gonna be a lot lesser next year!)
7. Paid & cut off 2 banks credit card
8. Paid off 70% of debts

I think thats it for this year...nothing much right...well something is always better than nothing :)

My positive resolution this year...lets see...
1. Loose 30kg's (achievable?)
2. Be punctual
3. Complete CIFP part 1
4. Climb the corporate ladder
5. Continue paying off debts & start saving lots of $$
6. And the easy ones is going to Bandung in Feb & Singapore in May (not really a resolutions but vacations in the pipeline..heheh

Anything else that I should add? Do remind me...salamz for now...

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