Batch ke berapa ntah!

Been doing cookies all week & all weekend...somehow I keep thinking I finished, but orders keeps coming in & I don't know how to say no.. :)

well, thank god Put & Suria helped me last week & My mum was always there when I stayed up or worked all weekend...thanks a lot for your help...

I like to see it this way....made almost 2,000 plus pcs already..more to go..

Tried making Tangy Choc, orange cookies wrapped in choclate, getting comments and feedback from friends and family...& I will improve it! Also, made Ghee balls yesterday, my favourite..but it turned out too sweet..well, I'll know what to do next time... :)

Suria..sorry for the choc cake yang tak jadi ittew...As I said..nak buat kek pun kena dalam keadaan tenang, kan dah terlupa put the baking powder...jadilah brownie my cake tue... muahahaha...ok Suria..I will make another one just for you for Raya!

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