The day he saw me...

Today 7 Apr is the date, 2 years ago 2016 my husband saw me at dome..that's how we kinda met.
Well, he didn't approach me then as I was with my friends, but he also said he wasn't the type to approach directly although his friends told him to walk up to me and talk to me then and there..he didn't.

By Allah's grace, he saw me in Linked In the following month, and guess what, he only saw me because we were already connected on Linked In. And recently I found out that he had added me somewhere in mid Dec 2015. He doesn't even remember why he added me, and I just accepted anyway and left it. No communication at that time. So he saw me in 10th of May 2016 in Linked In and sent me a message :) and I replied within an hour and we started talking.

It was different for me, I don't generally reply to messages on linked in or anywhere, but that day, reading his message I just felt like responding and it went on and by the end of the day, we were already chatting on whatsapp.

Here's the full video of our love story that I put together for your viewing pleasure :)

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