Phone calls these days...

Gone are the days we run to the telephone when it rings, eager to know who is calling and for whom. These days we still do try to get to the phone when rings or we just be like “let it be, I can just return the call later” or “its ok... that person will just leave a msg or whatsapp what they need” or “if its important enough, they will call back” ~ have you heard people say this? Well I have and I do it too :)

I generally do not pick up unidentifiable calls, unless I am expecting a call from a party with an unknown number. My job doesn't require me to connect with anyone using phone calls and my life has been pretty much stable with no requirements to pick up unknown numbers, the best way is to leave me a message and I will respond if need be.  This all started when I started getting calls from sales reps be it insurance agents, unit trust agents or training sales people. There is just too many of them calling and it takes up my time having to refuse them politely, the best way is to just not pick up. If I need them, I will look for them, there are lots of them on linked in these days. 

But I am sure this not picking calls thing doesn't apply to all, mostly people with jobs like mine maybe, but for those in sales and phone calls are their source of income, they will still run to their handphones if its not with them in their pockets :)

What are your thoughts? 

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