d Cruise updates...

08-03-09: The journey from LCCT to Singapore...had to leave the house at 5am!

Excited with the small room...compaq to fit 4, but 3 was just nice :)

Places around the Ship...checking it out on the 1st day on board

Next day...Emily goes out! all 3 in the Emily Theme..

We joined the "Worst karaoke contest"! & that's the kiddies (Put & Elaine) playing Dam

That the roulette galaxy of stars & then we got down to Phuket...

11-03-09: Our last day on the ship... we miss the ship (and some other things in it!)... :)

So did it look fun? :)

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knitfreak-to-be said...

best nyer...xkan ni je gambo? x puas tgk!!!

p/s: ari ni aku makan thai food plak...huhuhuhu...

shazzain said...

Azita..gambar byk lagi..but penat la nah buh semua...sket2 dah ar...(ni pun dah byk je aku rasa!)

put said...

i miss the ship!!! and everything inside it!! huhu

shazzain said...

Put..I'm missing it too...siap termimpi2 lagi...heheh