what's with customer service...?

Today rasa cam nak cerite about this karaoke center that really pissed me off...this is the story...

We wanted to go karaoke-ing last Saturday, lepas tensen la konon...rasanye got even more tensed lepas Su called and booked la at this place in Amp Park, itu pun they said it was already on waiting list no 9 for the 5.30pm slot (lepas class pre-exam), so we told the rest of the gang to be there by then...anyway…we finished class earlier around 4.30pm instead of 5pm, so we went there by 5pm. Then the girl at the counter, after knowing the fact that we had booked for 5.30pm which was on 9th waiting list, had the cheek to tell us that we are on waiting list, 12th position in line, apa hal lak nie… we booked ok.. it means, if there’s any empty, they should start keeping for those that booked kan, not give it to walk in’s. Marah betul, then the guy said, ok we’ll give you 7th in line (better lah instead of the 9th or 12th!!)

Anyway…since it was still 5pm , we had expected to be in by 5,30pm, so we told them to maintain the booking for 3 hours, and guess what…we got a room at 6pm, hah..that’s with reservation and we came early, just imagine if we came at 5.30pm, what time we’d get the room!!…what kinda service is this??

Then, masuk je the room, lepas 5 minutes, they bring the bill…hey..ingat org nak lari ke..pastu dah la org dah masuk 1 hour late, bukan nak tanye if we still want to be there 3 hours, straight away bring the bill…then we said, we want either 2 or 2.5 hours, since that was the original plan, anyway, we will confirm later when all dah sampai, and this guy said ok…and than, after 15 minutes, another guy comes in with the bill..again..and we said we told the other guy we were not sure of the 3 hours, and we do not want to be there for 3 hours, not after getting a room late…he said his manager was out, so they couldn’t void the bill, and then Su n Elaine was trying to talk nicely to him to try la, then he said “kalo boleh, boleh la, kalo tak, kena bayar jugak”, uihh..byk cantik muka dia…I got pissed la…

So I yang dah kena tunggu kat sana for an hour, and then get treated this way, definitely I won’t take this nonsense, I told him, we are not going to pay for three hours, we came at 5pm, asked for a room for 3 hours, paling-paling pun you can count the from 5.30pm since we made the reservation for that time, means we want to be out of this place by 8.30pm, not 9pm and why should we pay more? And if you can’t void the bill, that’s really not my problem, you tell your manager that we wanted to pay for 2.5 hours, get a new bill out for now and get that bill void later, I don’t have to pay more, just because the duty manager was at the other branch!! Hah, so that was what he did, boleh kan? Anyway, he threw tantrums, by slamming the door when he came to pass the bill, take signature n again when he returned the credit card, kurang ajar betul, macam ni ke customer service?

So, that’s it for that place for me, I’m not going there again…menyusahkan je..dah la tu…spoil people’s mood je..

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Put said...

what's the name of the place? or even that guy? biar glamer sket kat sini hehehe

shazzain said...

The place was News KTV, at Ampang Park, the guy, I was too angry to be bothered about his name!

the News KTV in Yow Chuan tu lagi ok..tak penah lak cam nie...

~~ casper~~ said...

ye betul.....mmg sgt kurang ajar!!!!!siap hempas pintu!!!patutnya latak tgn dia kat ctu, pastu hempas pintu kuat2!!!!baru dia tau!!!!!!!!!!hahahahhahahahaha ketawa jahat......

shazzain said...

Wah Su..ko lagi marah dari aku eh...muaharharhar