Delayed...the one with the kampung gurls...

The meeting with the BBGS group...more know as "The Kampung Girls" during school days, well I wasn't in that group, just that most of them were my classmates from form 1 to 3, so kinda close with most of them..

Anyway..Hana comes back to KL once or twice a year and demands that we meet her...heh nasib baik la kiteorg mmg nak jumpa...anyway..kalau Hana ni tak balik, tak de sapa pun nak organize a get together, so in a way, this is the only time I meet the whole gang...

Thats us (10 Apr 08): Hana, Has, Ija,-me-, Nani, Myra N Syikin

So were introduced to this website that nite, apparently it answers any question one poses to it, but it answers only to the one it trust...virtual tarot...u believe it? No one brought a laptop that night, so we were like hoping someone we know walks in with laptop so that we could check that website out…then I saw someone walking in., it was my cousin’s husband..apa lagi terus la tego dia..tanya ada laptop..mmg ada! So I was forced by all to go and ask to borrow it for 10 minutes…which I did as I was curious too!

And then..Myra proved it to us that night...the questions were being answered, one by one…it was scary but also fun in a long as you don't start believing too much in it..some questions that were asked “whose laptop is this?” then the answer appear “Reza”, we weren’t that convinced, so we asked “Who asked for the laptop” and then “Shazlxxxx” (dia jawab penuh la, saja tak mau letak nama penuh I, hehe), ok freaky…mana dia tau nama I nie??! Then the Gbob pegang something in his hands and we asked “What is Gbob holding in his hands” dia jawab “Lighter” was all true…we managed to ask about 15 questions most of which was correctly answered, then we had to return the laptop..anyway, I was really takut je malam tu…tido that night pun pasang lampu…isk tak penah2..

So kalo ada anyone nak try this website, ask me for it la, but jangan ingat dia akan jawab, so far it hasn’t answered any of my questions…

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riken said...

hi syaz...i'm interested with the to share???

ajeeta said...

jeles gile-gile-gile-gile-gile....x dpt join korang!!!

sapekah~aku? said...

cpt bitau aku per website gile tu!!

shazzain said...

Suria & Wan I email the website to u k..

Azita, tu ar...keja lagi jejauh!!

shazzain said...

Wan, thanks for the input... :)

shazzain said... u back!