One day trip to Penang - Izzati's wedding

I managed to complete my project paper on saturday morning, & submitted it...fuhh what a relief..then, Azita came over & we headed off for penang with myra. Yeah just the three of us je, Eliana had to work..& Diana wasn't feeling well, puas ktirg pujuk dier Elaine nie, sampai Myra merajuk2 gan die, tp still cannot come..anyway Elaine, ktorg pegang janji u tue...u owe us!!!

We were at the Jalan Duta tol by 3.30pm & made a stop at tapah, reached Penang 7++, along the way, we were talking about how things were back at school & how much fun we had, also about Izzati & Hana being really afraid of Wan, haha, tiga ekor ni mmg suka carik pasal & kaco org time2 sekolah dulu, even the teachers..kire budak2 nakal jugak la, but it was fun with them around! Izzati & Hana were really good at giving names to the teachers dulu, heheh those were the days...

So we went straight to Izzati's house for the BBQ, her house was really a resort..seriously...some pictures of the house...

Some pictures luar umah...

Some pictures dalam umah...

Anyway..Izzati didn't really know we were coming that night, she thought we'd be coming for the nikah the next day, well, I told her that on the phone when I took her address, so it was a surprise to her...she was out doing last minute shopping! so ktrg sampai2 makan dulu with her sisters, she already knew some friends were waiting at the house, but she didn't know who..then she called me asked me where I was really...I continued lying & said that I was at home kl, Myra & Azita thot I was a good liar..hahah so dah pandai blakon la now...dulu tak reti sgt!

Anyway izzati came after an hour plus..lepas borak2 with the bride to be, around 11pm we headed off to Batu Feringgi since Myra nak jalan2 at night market there. We checked in at Bayview & keluar balik...but when we reached, the shops were ready to early..but we managed to walk for a while & membeli belah :), By then it was already late, we headed back to the hotel..

The borak session that nite...

Next day, after having breakfast at the hotel, we checked out & headed straigt to the Masjid at Teluk Kumbar for the akad nikah, we reached just in time for the akad, at 11.20am, the pengantin was in green..seems to be theme color this year, notice some friends getting married this year pun using green.. :)

Here's the bride just before the lafaz akad, then the hesitation of the groom to kiss the bride on the forehead...heheh..

buat jugak akhirnya...there's Myra in tears after the akad nikah...

Then we had lunch with the pengantin, at the meja pengantin, her dad invited us, wow rasa cam vip lak...heh, lepas makan2 & amik2 gambar at the Pelamin, we left ard 1.30pm to head back straight to KL..we wanted to reach before it was dark, Myra had to get back to work & Azita nak drive to work, PD early next morning. I on the other hand was coughing really badly the whole journey..

Izzati & Grandmother...

The Family Photography Session...

The hantaran's...

Suasana kat luar rumah...

I liked the tent..

On the way back...some where after the jambatan, there was a bird shit right on the windscreen..I asked Myra & Azita "Apa petanda bird shit nie", no one we thot we'd make up one based on our journey...heheh n Myra said at the end masa dah sampai KL..."u know what shaz, the petanda of the bird shit tu was the three of us wud sleep at the R&R" hahah..yes, driver - Myra & the passengers, were really tired, that we actually stopped as Sg Perak & slept in the car for 50 minutes! cam lawak did we end up being soo tired..well, I was down with the flu so mmg penat je sepanjang masa, Azita & Myra nie mmg tak cukup tido la tu for the past few days! dh la last nite tu pun tido lambat! So we reached KL by 7+ jugak..

& I'm having a fever & the flu got again..I'm on MC..dah second time this year..

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ajeeta said...

hampeh...MC...aku jugak yang kena keje..penat but it was worth it ;)aku tgh upload gambar ni..hampeh tul frenster, upload je asik fail, ko pon leh upload, aku enable utk org upload gak ;)

shazzain said...

wokeh..nanti aku pun mc tau..& td dtg sini..ajak elaine lepak skali..derang baru balik.. :)