Trip to Bali

We are finally back from the 3 Nights 5 Days tour around Bali & it was Fun!!..We (Azita, Eliana, Su & I) left for Bali by Qatar Airlines at 12.55pm on 17 Jan 08 & touch down back at KL at 6.00am, 21 Jan 08. The Flight was good..of course & definately better than Air Asia lah kan...anyway..Su & Eliana nie byk tul cerite..maybe I'll tell you later... :)

Here's some pictures taken from KLIA up to Den Pasar Airport...

When we reached Den Pasar, we went to Jimbaran for was quite early so we stopped at those expensive souvenior shops, well we didn't buy anything since we knew we would find it all the Kintamani & Tanah Lot's some shots from our early dinner while waiting for the Sunset at the beach...

Sunset at the beach..this is really nice...cuma ada spoiler..anjing banyak on the beach...nasib baik kiteorg tak menjerit when it passed by us while we were eating...(none of us sedar pun, until after)

Sunset pictures...semua sebuk posing sampai at one point semua orang tengok kiteorg...isk mmg tak malu tul! hahahaha

The Next day, 18 Jan 08 we were scheduled to have breakfast at the Hotel itself, hmm..Not all Halal food makan la roti..(so much for the Muslim package!). We went for a Cultural show, Barong..its about the good (Barong) & evil (Rangda)...basically they both fight & no one wins & there will always be good & bad around us..

The picture above is taken at the lereng bukit Gunung Berapi...Nice place..lousy food!

Next we proceeded to the Ladang Kopi...Nice treatment but of course after that we bought overpriced coffee!! itu pun lepas menawar dari Rp80,000 untuk 2 last dapat Rp100,000 for 4 packets....thanks to Su for her great tawar-ing abilities! :)

After having coffee at the ladang, we paksa our tourist guide to take us to Sukawati Market, where its known for their really cheap stuff, of course after bargaining. Kiteorg kena serbu, asal masuk je one area..sure terus the shoppe keepers panggil, sampai pening...jalan pusing2 baru kiteorg berani nak beli..but beli lak byk terus!. But we were starting to get good at the tawar-ing game...Su was the leader, each time I pick something..I had to get Su's approval before I gave them a price...thanks so much Su for coming with us, even at the last minute!!

Finally...we went for Dinner at a decent restaurant..meaning...tak was-was about the Halal-ness & the food was really good..Masakan Padang. But as usual..before makan..kena bergambar dulu lah ye... :)

Then we were dropped back at the hotel by 7pm by tourist guide, Made. We rested for a while & headed out again to Matahari Mall to find us the electrical adapter...satu menda pun tak dapat charge before that..nasib baik jumpa..kalau tak..tak de la gambar2 nie...

After that, we walked to Starbucks, beside Hard Rock, where we shopped like crazy, nasib baik ada credit card..kalau nak harap cash..bankrupt la masa tu jugak! Anyway..after shopping at Hard Rock, we lepak at Starbucks (btw coffee tak berapa sedap!, depa tak pandai buat kot...). Su bought her Expresso Mugs yg comel2 tu, normal mug & bebear Indonesia. Hujan lebat kat luar...nasib baik bawak payung..we walked back in the rain...saja je tak nak amik taksi...exercise sket...tak jauh pun....

The Following day, 19 Jan 08, we had breakfast again at the hotel, then pegi beli kek lapis... nie kena pre-order for a price of Rp85,000. So we took Cinnamon & Coffee cake. After that we went to Tanah Lot to see the famous Temple...mmg cantik this place..check out some of the pictures..tak larat nak upload semua (byk tau!!).

And of course after the picture taking, we shopped till we drop!! abis duit terus!! itupun dah cukup kedekut siap tawar menawar until the price was soooo cheap...pun still bleh abis duit...haih..

OK...this is to be continued...penat lak bercerite...tunggu update for 20th & 21st Jan 08.

Signing off...

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ajeeta said...

hehehe..bagus..xyah aku taip pepanjangf..nanti aku link dr frenster blog je..hehhehe..thanks!!!

~~ casper~~ said...

me too....
malas tul nak nuleh....
thank you darling....

-eLaiNe-<@ said...

woohooo!!! byknya gambar!!! happy happy happy! joy joy joy!! miahahar!! weh, nnti aku nak copy SEMUA gambar dr camera azita and su. and gambar2 dr bday party mak shaz frm camera my darling megat and su. okies? lagik senang kalo korg yg mmg dh ada semua copy, tlg burn kat dvd 4 me. jgn nk mengada resize kan aa... nnti aku nk print hard copy x cun! hehehehe... see u girls later!

shazzain said...

ala..tak cd lah (byk cantik nak burn dvd!) nanti ada cd i burn kan lah..lupe lak nak beli semalam...