Eliana finally took a Job!

Congratulations Eliana!!!

heh..saja je nak congratulate dia kat sini...she sms & told me she took the job offer yesterday..& she starts congratulation Elaine..brp byk job offers did you turn down?? heheh...What eva it is Elaine..dun miss the Bali trip..get them to realease u..dah bayar tau!!!

As for me..I'm still on mc today..sakit kaki la..I can't walk properly..kalo jalan je sakit..rasa cam nak tercabut urat..yeah i know..its my weight..(due to standing too long masa party 7 hours straight)..yea yea yea...I'm already doing something about it..dah turun 1.5kg since 3 weeks ago..heheh not much..but hey..thats something.. :)

To one of my friends (you know who you are)..don't let those things get to you..enjoy your life & let go of the past k?

ohh Put & Su..I'm offering the Bali trip to you guys..sapa cepat dia dapat..its a really cheap package to Bali what u guys are getting!! Too bad for Myra since she turned down the offer kan..I need confirmation by today or tomorrow..need to make the payment dah..

Happy belated Birthday to my cousin Munira.. 7th Jan... hope you had a great day..

k la..i wanna rest..I need to masuk office tommorow..dah bertimbun lak keja..sheeshhh..
Have great day & salamz...

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