Ranting for the week!

So...I don’t think I like this place…it can get annoying when you have a Boss (hereafter known as the B) that can be so damn unconsidered!

Am I over reacting…I don’t know...but here’s what happened this week…I had verbally asked to take leave for last Monday & Tuesday a week earlier, but I said, we will see if that important meeting can get cleared by that week, than I will take it…so the meeting was over on Thursday and no pending issues, therefore I told him that I was gonna be on leave the following Monday & Tuesday. He even asked me again before leaving on Thursday, since he says he might be on EL on Friday, and I told him, yes I will be on leave...he said “OK”. My mistake was that I forgot to key into the system! (I admit, I’m wrong here, but it’s not a big deal for the ppl here, as far as I have observed for the past 4 mths that I’m here).

So come Monday, me realizing that I forgot to key into the system the leave, I sms-ed him “B, I’m on leave today & tomorrow but forgot to key in the system. Will do when I get back” – note that this has been verbally cleared the week before. I was just reminding and informing that I forgot to key in the system and the sms was sent at 7.52am. All ok here I thought…

Next thing I know…I check my webmail from home to see that he has sent out the following to the big B’s:
“Dear All, Please be informed that Shaz has just informed me (through SMS) that she will be on annual leave today and tomorrow “

What the hell? Just informed? Something is really wrong with the guy! Even if I just informed shouldn’t you try cover me as I am your staff! But the point is I asked for in a week in advance and that email pissed me off…and the '2nd level B' responded

“Pls have a word with Shaz. Annual leave to be submitted at least 3 days before going on leave. Thanks”

It made me look bad…it was unnecessary…I kept quiet, thought about it, and when I went back to the office, I responded to the email, although partly my fault for not keying in the system, I have never had a the B that would do such a thing to a staff when he damn well knows I had informed him earlier! I’m glad I did respond, at least he knows that I’m not gonna sit around and let him push me around as he likes.

Then he called me to the meeting room and explained things that happened the last 2 days…& about the leave thing, he said he doesn’t want to have a tiff over a small matter and that he did word it as “annual leave” instead of “EL” and that the '2nd level B' who asked him to send the email out. ! And he was making excuses saying the big B was looking for me and some workings and all, which he didn’t know about (yeah being a B, why didn’t he know? – think for yourself…a B not knowing a new staff’s work? Can’t hold the fort for 2 days?). Anyway he even sms-ed me to get the files of workings and all that morning…Which was in the shared drive anyways…

I was thinking so what? You didn’t have to put in that I just sms-ed! All he had to do was say I was on leave, full stop! It was purposely putting me in a bad light, somehow to save his @ss, make the focus shift…whatever!

So you know…I don’t like my new B, I have never had this kind of petty problems with my previous the B’s, this looks like it’s gonna be a problem...

Anyway today being the last day of work before Eid and all, I was thinking maybe I could leave early, say 4pm or so, but guess what! When I came in, I saw an email from the B stating that he was leaving at 3.30pm! Isn’t that just plain unconsidered! I am the one celebrating, why can’t he just think to let me go off early, now I have to stay after 5pm to do the end of day work...Because its either one of us that has to do it!

It’s a pity, I like the place, the environment, the people, but I don’t like the B, so I won’t be long here, I can feel it…but if he goes first, then I’ll rethink!

Small things, petty things, but I’m just uncomfortable already…I know I’m too much…but I had better the B’s before, ohh well, I’ll try adjust, another 5 months the bond is lifted and I’m free to go, if I still feel this way…

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