row row row ur boat...

What to do? Take a risk or just let it stay as it is? Not sure which way to go...hence the question put on fb "Shaz is contemplating - Should I rock the boat on the calm waters or should I just let it stay in that state of boredom?"

If I choose to rock it, I may loose out, or I might just get what I asked for, but then again, is what I'm asking for really what I to know...but I feel better opportunities awaits me there...there's speed and momentum already if I'm there...I came from that environment and it felt good when people treated me with importance I guess..., whereas it's very slow pace where I am...

If I stay this way, I would still not know...and what is there to loose if I rock it and don't get what I want? first of all, mental torture, the pain of doing something I don't like at a higher scale and I might just not rise as I intended to this year...where does that leave me? Well I do have time for leisure activities I guess, get to go to the gym and all, but the satisfaction is a bit low...actually very low...

And the astrology book, didn't really help either, I'll have to really tackle this one carefully or I will be hated by certain parties once I rock the boat! I hope everything works out for the best...

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put said...

i hope you find your answer. bak kata pepatah cliche tu 'just listen to your heart!' :)

shazzain said...

thanks put...I'm trying hard to listed to my heart...Its just too much noise interferance that I can't hear the answer yet...sigh..

~~ casper~~ said...

cuba gi bertapa dlm gua sat..kat ctu sunyi...manalah tau kut2 leh dengaq.... :)
*solat isthikharah dear is d best way....

lucky said...

shaz.. rock the boat shaz... the answer is always rock the boat...

shazzain said...

semalam otw to office dengar lagu "rock the boat" hahahha I did move the boat on the calm waters already...rocking will come soon! hehehe

Thank you friends for your advice! :)

knitfreak-to-be said...

every once in a while, a stormy weather can be more exciting than a calm sea...go ahead..rock on!!!

shazzain said...

I'm still waiting for the storm to hit...takut beb! but yeah...I will always rock it from now on... :)