Game & BBQ nite... some update on the recent activities, Pejal lost the last Monyet game & therefore had to treat us to the re-match karaoke (the one where the boys lost to the gurlz last week), so he had to treat me, Amyrah & Elaine...& we were invited on Sunday what the guys did was, they subsitute Hafez (since he was working) with a new person, Jeff --> sesukati, and brought Abang Pow as the judge... amboi..amboi...amboi...melampau kan...tapi ktorg tak keysah pun...we won again 6 points for the gurls vs 4 to the boys! (20 songs, 10 each team)

Some shots from them doing "Fiona" - no joke showmanship! Well since we won, we had out own style too :p

*Sorry kengkawan lain eh...ktorg tak dapat ajak to this round karaoke since we weren't the host...Pejal was the host...jangan lak terasa...susah nak pujuk nanti...

The next day...we were soooo bored! as usual...pegi andalus...and the guys this was a big gang here..& it turned out to be another game night for us...(byk la impromptu lepak sessions lately...well...nak wat canne...bossaaaann!)

ohh..and ada macam2 mende berlaku...sms-ses lah, org cover lah...but to me and most of us there...Kamal was the monyet; walaupun ada org volunteer to coverkan his loss and eventually the game had to dibubarkan (as we had to leave). And...after 18 hours, Kamal finally accepted the title monyet! (I had to make him accept it!! I have my way) ready for your denda!

*I take this oppurtunity untuk meminta maaf kepada kengkawan lain sebab tak sempat ajak korang join...kul 8pm baru terasa nak pegi, so cam automatic ajak elaine n myra...korang jgn lak mara....Sorry!

Anyway...I had to rush to my cousins place immediately as I was late for a BBQ session...this one lasted up to 4am!

BBQ with the Kazens...& Game Night "21"...well..looks like gambling, but its just 'small time' for the fun of it...using syilings :)

Main-main je tu... I masuk capital RM2.20, Keluar RM1.20, I lost RM1 to the tauke (muke tersengih puas hati pink) heheh..

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