The one where I gave a Speech

Last weekend, my siater got married and I made a surprise appearance and gave a speech together with bebo our childhood family friend..also my husband joined me so bebo could appear as a surprise in surprise kinda thing..and it worked! She cried during our speech..anyway..I wanted to keep the speech text somewhere and decided i’ll just blog it! So here it is :)

Shaz & Zein:


Assalamualaikum & Good Evening Ladies & Gentlement

We want to start off by thanking everyone for being here to celebrate Natasha and Max’s very special day. On behalf of the family, we are honored to have all of the most important people in our lives here with us today. And even if we don’t get the chance to tell you all that individually, my family and I mean it. Thank you.

For those of you who don’t know us, my name is Zein, Natasha’s Brother In Law and Shaz, my wife & Natasha’s sister. I’m gonna pass this over to Shaz, and lets hear from her what she has to say about her sister.


Hi everyone…

I hope our dance didn’t spoil your appetite earlier. Nat Im sure you didn’t expect me to give a speech and I know you are jealous you couldn’t be part of the dance.

Growing up together, we always had a love hate relationship. Despite that I’m always her favourite sister and I know that. Being a fickle minded herself, I would like to emphasise, she has made us change her wedding theme like 22 times. Like how our father always say.. TAKDAK DISIPLIN!

Aaaaandddd.. her forgetfulness.. OMG! Max… you better keep track of her things like her kunci kereta(like always), her watch, her handbag tapi handphone takkan pernah lupa. Goodluck with that Max.

However, growing up together, we always complement each other through the bad and good times. Well.. we cover each other pretty well especially when it comes to mischievous things we do behind our parents backs.

As you probably know, weddings are not the easiest to plan, and Natasha isn’t always the easiest to please, so the Zain’s household has been pretty crazy these last few weeks. With all the madness going on, it was easy to forget the reason for it all. Now that the chaos has ended, it has finally hit me that my little sister is getting married. Looking at her right now, I can’t help but get a little emotional. My sister is the most beautiful woman I know.

Max, I want you to know that my sister loves you more than anything in the entire world. Trust me, she would not be marrying you if she didn’t feel that way. My sister is a perfectionist and doesn’t settle for anything or anyone, so in her eyes, you are as close to perfect as they come. I couldn’t imagine a better fit for my sister, only someone as calm as you can handle her sassiness all the time.

I’ll leave you two with a little advice. Love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairy-tale or a storybook and it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. I hope you can both look back on today as the moment you loved each other the least. I love you both. Welcome to the family Max.

Natasha, remember the part when you said Bebo can never give a speech. Well now she actually has something to say….. Come on up Bebo.


Good evening everyone and Hi Nat and Max.

For those of you who dont know me, my name Bebo, Natasha’s childhood friend.

So a month ago nat asked me if i can give a speech at her wedding to which i replied NO. Three days ago she asked me again so I randomly gave her some points to which she stopped me halfway and told me “bebo u better not give a speech at my wedding, its gonna be the worse ever” —> that moment I decided I must give a speech!

My dear nat.. this day has finally come. The day you have been waiting for. It finally happened. Remember in  the past few days you were like.. omg 2 days to go... omg tomorrow is my wedding, this is really happening and You're married now. I can’t believe my favourite oldie is married! Well I call her OLDIE because im so much younger than her.

We have been talking about this day since I can remember. I remember looking through colours that were possibilities for your special day, rolling on the floor laughing at our friends bridezilla-ness and reminding our self not to be like that, our emotional days at Taman Tun Padang, our crazy days and hours of deep talk until past midnight. I still remember, everytime we were out, uncle din and aunty khatijah would text you asking where are you and what time you will be home.. and you will be like OMG, my dad is calling to which you replied either ON THE WAY ! Or I ALMOST HOME, stucked in TRAFFIC JAM and we will still continue talking after that.. our stories can never end. Well By now..Uncle Din & Aunty khatijah would probably be thinking if that was my idea of excuses all this while, uncle and aunty i can confirm to you.. those were always her idea. She is very creative.

That secret padang will always be in our memories even after you are mother of 5, when you have trouble handling your screaming kids, your tantrums kids.. don’t worry, I’ll meet you at the padang for another story session. Oh and I’m not gonna tell you where  the padang is , Max.

Nat, we’ve laughed, cried, laughed until we cried again and know more about each other than we probably care to. We’ve been through some of the hardest times of our lives together and have been grateful to have each other through some of the best. My dear Nat, I sincerely thank you for always being by my side.

I remember when I first learned about Max, Natasha would go on and on about him. She told me how handsome he was, how intelligent he was, how wonderful it was to talk to him. I remember so perfectly when we were in Phuket the day you told me you are getting married.. I remember the look on your face, the emotions that spilled out of you when you told me! I couldn’t be happier for you. You truly deserve nothing but only the best.

I’m so glad you found the one who makes your heart and soul happy. I seriously couldn’t have handpicked anyone better for you than him. I see the way you light up when you are around him, the way you smile when his name is mentioned, and how excited you are when you talk about your future together. I am beyond excited to watch you marry the love of your life. I have no doubt that the next journey that life has for you two, together, will be nothing less than an amazing adventure.

My darling nat, I’m always proud of you, happy for you, thankful for you. And I hope this day is everything you had imagined. I love you.

Thank you.

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Managing Expectations

It's 2018! I haven't blogged since 2011...gosh time flies!

Okay so now I am back because I am required to write this blog by my Prof, as an assignment to brand myself in this DBA course "Digital Marketing". So now you guys will be seeing me post at least once a week coz that is the expectation and requirements to this course for this semester. 

Well, now that I have grown up and gotten married, oh yes I finally got married end of 2016...well didn't really expect that to happen to me but it did 😁, I kinda have to manage expectations of people around me. I can't really be that single happy go lucky person I think I was before. 

As I am writing, the Prof just told us that the minimum words to write today is 300 words, and yes I am in class right now and am still wondering what to write on this topic of managing expectation. So back to being married, I used to have this life of staying at office until late doing work (yeah a boring life) before being married but now that I have a husband that has slightly changed because he expects me to be home when he is. Luckily a lot has changed in the office arena since 2011, I now have 2 staff and a great boss since 2014, and I have learned the art of delegating and teaching my staff all that I know. This has allowed me to move on to doing other things in the Risk area of the Bank. I have to say my learning curve has increased since and I am happy where I am although people do tell me being 9 years in a same company is not really good. Oh well I am happy and I think the grass is not greener in the other side, I have heard enough stories on that and if I am learning and contributing at my current position, why move yet?

Anyway…reached my required words for the day, it’s difficult to write! see you next week.

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