my NEW daily adventure

As most of you know, I have started my new job...the place is nice...very small compared to my previous organization...the people..can't say much, still getting to know them...I was introduced to various departments, which was a good thing, at least people know of my my previous place, I got introduced after a week or two, that too only internally in the department, didn't get to see treasury/ dealing room, this time, my bos took me there and introduced me around since we were gonna be working closely with them. to say..I can't remember everyone's names...I use to be able to remember names but faces I can' its both! goshh..I'm aging...and I can feel it!

What was great was that the pc and place, telephone and all kinds of access was ready when I joined yesterday, I didn't have to sit around and wait like I did the last time (waited for 2 weeks to get a pc and another few weeks for access of systems)...yes everything is being compared to the previous organization...well since its my second job..I can't help it :)

And there's this gurl, she's helping me get to know the place and all, she's really young (which makes me feel old!), talks a lot, have lots of stories and is really cheerful...its a good thing I'm hanging with her... she invites me out to lunch and introduces colleagues from other departments, I really appreciate it, especially since I'm not the type that's easy to mingle or start a conversation with people..really I thank god she's there!

So... I was describing the my office to Su, about how cool the place looks and how it feels like I'm sitting in the garden with the nice view and fountain out the glass window...she told me to take a I did with my hp camera, since I was segan to take out the real camera...hehe so here it is...juz from my view while siting at my place...

it's not a room..just a cubicle in this large feels like I'm under the trees...:)

anyway...the job covers the whole of market risk, which is a good thing since I have covered both trading (Traded Market Risk) and non-trading (Asset Liability Management) previously, but what's similar here is that its highly manual much human intervention, spreadsheets after spreadsheets, so this is what I'm doing at the moment, studying them all, and trying to find a better solution I hope...and there's other things like setting policies and methods and stuff like that...I hope I can make a difference there...wish me luck!

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lucky said...

good luck shaz!!!! nampak cool office ko.. letak la props sket... mcm kad kad ker.. atau key chain2 yg ko beli kat bandung.. hehehehehe

cool phone! and err... nice botol air.. ahahahahah

shazzain said...

thanks's cool kan...n yes..I did put up my key chain collection, didn't take pics of them though...yeah phone n botol air both cool too..hahah

aisyah said...

hehehe shaz. aah memang cantek.
i pun suke ngan my new office here tapi urs is much more exclusive la.. :)