Life as a working student...

Assignments are all that piles up when you enter into a DBA, well thats what I feel now that I’m in my fifth semester DBA. This semester I decided to take 3 subjects and the independent study where i’ll be going for my proposal defence on my chosen topic, Basel III - Managing the Liquidity Ratio’s for an Islamic Bank. Truth be told I shouldn't have signed up for Independent study because I still haven't finished my coursework, but because I deferred a semester end of 2016 when I got married, I just felt that I need to catch up and my research period also has started and it requires me to collect data i.e start doing interviews beginning June 2018. If I can finish my proposal defence by then, at least i’ll know that my data collection wont go to waste i.e that i’n on the right track if I make it through this semester. 

So this 3 subjects, well it’s quite taxing too, there’s just too many assignments, group projects, case studies, individual publishable papers, gosh it feels like I’m drowning, but then again I always feel this way and I somehow manage to pull through by the end of the semester. I hope this semester will be the same.

Today my coursemates and I went to visit one of the homes for our book donation drive i.e to building a mini library for a deserving home. We are required to come up with a CSR program and engage a company to work with us on this. It sounds simple enough but its really a lot of work. We have managed to engaged a bank for this project and also gotten some funding, thank God! 😃 Now its time to execute this within the next month..wish us luck! By the way if any if you want to contribute, just leave me a note and I’ll get back to you with the details. These homes need food stuff all the time so yeah thats something you can contribute too if not directly giving funds. Hopefully I will have more to update on this initiative in the next post. 

Good Night Malaysia 💕

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