tat big deal with 29

Ohh yeah it was a big deal thanks to my friends…wasn’t expecting it to be a big deal…probably with all that’s been going on…I was thinking to juz run off somewhere quiet (supposedly Genting – Awana lepak kat Golf area tu…) but then Wea invited to follow her to Hong Kong, after considering it for a week or two, I decided to juz go…better to be alone there [masa Wea kena attend training]…then to be in alone in Genting…huhu (also less worry for those who knows my crazy ideas about going to Genting on my own)
Ohh yeah back to the big deal…30 Jul 2010 everything came…from morning to lunch, to afternoon to night...

1.Cupcakes from upper kes gang! That was a good surprise...malu gak nak bawak naik work station….he he dh la it wasn’t my bday pun lagi kan…heh

2.Karaoke (unexpected but due to my hobbies that was pretty clear drawn on to the cupcakes and another colleague is leaving us, karaoke was just the best thing to do)

3.Flowers – 2 of them…nie lagi la segan giler tp best!!…almost everyone passing by saw them with my name on it…tak pasal2 org ingat ada secret admirer! Muahhahaha funny!

4.That night: Revenge of the water balloons and spray…I had that one coming I guess, been doing it to almost everyone year in n year out…it’s bound to happen (my cousins got me in 2008 with tepung on my newly done hair!)…and it happened this year (from friends)! It was followed by a birthday cake & KFC for supper (since it was ard 11pm...Can’t say its dinner although Elaine did say she was coming over with KFC for dinner…). Kesian the gang had to wait i.e. menyorok blakang my sis car waiting for me to turun…well I was waiting since 9.20pm (juz got home frm offc), bila dah 10+ cam Elaine tak sampai..I pg lah mandi…rupenye they came ard that time…kena la tunggu 20 mins kot…but yeah I kena bantai after I had bath…nasib baik water balloons je…(I wud have been meaner) ha ha siap la sapa2 yg tak kena lagi tu…

Next day (31st July) was busy attending 2 weddings (adik tomek @ Selayang & adik Tasya @ Ampang Jaya), and later after taking a long peaceful nap (after the nasi minyak n desserts and the heavy rain), Put & I went out to look for Imran’s birthday present…luckily Huda told us where that sports shop in Ampang Point had moved to…we almost gave up when we couldn’t find the shop in Ampang Point (tu laa awal2 tak mo tanye huda). Ohh and sempat kutip lauk pengantin from Tomek & Sharil, well I did ask for it, since the sotong sambal was soo yummy…nasib baik ada balance…dapat jugak ktorg menikmati nasi minyak lagi with sambal sotong…ohh yeah that day was ‘overdose of rice day’

1st Aug…woke up early, hardly slept the night before, this happens every time I go on a trip, something comes up and it juz occupies my mind…bila ntah nak ada travel discipline..But hey..I don’t have discipline that’s juz that! My mum & Nat dropped me off at Bangi. According to Yudi, my mom ikut skali drop me off sebab she was checking on my travel partner to verify it was really Wea! Pandai2 je Yudi buat teori! haha and I followed Wea & Yudi to KLIA.

We all nie pun satu…didn’t do the early check in n pick our seats, so dpt la seat mengarut2 kat tengah yg ada 5 seat tu..we were in the middle... ishh..nasib baik I cud fit into it! Anyways...nak cite nie...Wea & I did something really like jahat masa check in…we were like late (as usual)…and biasa la...cemas dowhh...So what did we do…? (Disgrace!)…we cut queue…(something I hate doing or hate others doing)…and we did it like so selamba (dgn penuh rasa bersalah la tapi…heee sampai HK pun terasa salah ok) but we had too…if MAS was being efficient by opening more counters during peak hours this wouldn’t happen! Anyway...What’s done is done...I take it as karma in the other direction…for all those times that ppl cut my queue and I let them, this was me taking back from the world (got such thing?) ha ha whatever..It’s done…Not that I’m proud of it...But tgh mengaku salah la nie…

On the flight, sempat la tgk movie satu (memory loss tak ingat cite ape! “remember me” kot) sambil makan Nasi Lemak…owh not forgetting I bought myself 2 birthday presents (alasan je tu to shop on air) heee…but I actually like what I bought up to today…so walaupun cam mahal…but it’s worth it! (The joy!!)

Sampai at HK International Airport…got our stuff and was trying to place our driver with Wea’s name but rupenyer kena gi counter 1…then Wea being a big shot as she is (ahemmm sonok lak ada kawan camnie) …we got a limo (Mercs) to take us to our hotel…excited? Hell yeah! Mahal giler lak tu! like RM300++ juz to get to the Hotel (not our money) but still…cam WoW! (ala2 Harith Iskandar in Cuci) dpt merasa treatment VIP nie...

By the time we reached the hotel it was 3pm… our hotel Park Lane was opposite Victoria Park…and being a Sunday, it’s an official public holiday for all the maids (Indonesians & Philippine’s majority)…that’s where they hang out, so there were stalls and concert apa ntah in the field and all…terasa kat indon sebentar… tp maids kat sana cun2 bukan cam kat sini…they are well dressed and make up semua mmg bley thn laa… yang muda2 tu lagi laa..ntah pape je..semua jenis style ada..with the smoky and punk style hair semua..mcm2!

Lepas check in…tgk bilik and amik2 gambar (sprt biasa sbb cam mahal giler per night…again ktrg tak byr, Wea kan big shot…sponsored…but juz imagine canne nak dtg sana lagi kalo hotel tak mampu or tak nak/tak sanggup byr! But we still want that comfort level haha)… oo yeah…we were hungry…roti2 from M’sia lah menjadi pengisi/pelapik perut…we were suppose to head to Disneyland that evening itself, but we were tired…so lepak jap…5pm plus baru keluar… Jalan2 kat Victoria Park to see what all the fuss was about…Wea sebuk nak tgk concert Wali Band (bukan org sebenar pun, tgk dr bilik je la since it was facing the the time ktrg turun...nothing much there then terus pegi ladies market…
that was after posting status update to fb saying I arrived safely bla3…coz my stupid maxis had to have a problem with my roaming services although they kept insisting that it’s activated, & I couldn’t get any line!! Tensen jer!...
Ohh sambung FB status - I was asking for suggestions from friends that’s been there…nasib baik ada respond/ comments from a few ppl…so from our hotel at Causeway Bay carik train station…siap tanye Indonesian maids for direction..they were friendly…thank God! The locals weren’t friendly at all! Ntah pape je…

Found our way and got ourselves the ‘Octopus Card’ (Kat London ‘Oyster’ heheh). We took the Train to Mong Kok and just a few steps out of the station we saw the signboard towards ‘Ladies Market’ and followed it…sampai2 terus membeli kat gerai pertama..err…iPhone covers tu…sbb cam menarik n murah…apa lagi..mula la pilih yg gedik2… off course dah sampai jauh2 camtu... one wasn’t enough, so I had to buy 5+, and knowing that I won’t be using all…so my fellow iPhone buddies dpt la souvenir… Wea terus serbu T-shirt… minah tu duq borong Tshirt je keja... sampai I yg tak nak beli pun terbeli..yes salahkan wea sbb dia dah pandai tawar…kalo tak beli rasa rugi…so my dad n sisters benefited from that... Then we picked up some magnets, tp 5 jer ktrg beli…sbb it seemed expensive at the time… siap tawar2 sampai pompuan tu buat muka n tinggi suara…maki ktrg bukan paham..pedulik ape…when we attempt to walk away, bley plak turun harga…so we bought it…later pk balik…ok la harga tu patut beli lebih...haha (in the end berebut for it, I got 1 and I let wea have the rest!).

Next stop was those imitation branded begs and watches…duq situ je lama giler sampai I terus bankrupt ok… well I had to look at it sebab Mich ordered an LV bag…then dah duduq tu, Wea pun sama membeli… tp I think she got a good deal..she’s damn good a bargaining…gotta learn this skill! I siap kena pinjam duit wea sket dulu (I took all her USD’s) to pay for my 2 LV’s and 2 watches (not that I wanted it that much, but sbb dah sampai sana, kena la beli!)…plus could bargain more paying with the USD...I had a few HKD left in the purse…but I had to pay Wea back… balik je hotel byr balik duit wea..I was left with HKD60 only…tensen seyyy I wasn’t even planning on shopping (that’s why I only converted RM1k) and I went bankrupt on my first day there…haihhh

Then terpaksa balik lah sebab tak de duit dah kan… kena sedar diri jugak lah akhirnya walaupun ada gak menyinggah beli payung dlm botol sebab it was too cute…tak tawar apa dah..penat sangat…juz took it and headed for the MTR. Ohh yeahh..we were supperr hungry! Sampai kat Causeway Bay, again Wea bertanya pada Indonesian on where to get halal food, and they pointed us to the Indonesian Restaurant...nasib baik ada…it was 10pm plus dah and most of the shops were already closed, luckily this one was still open…dapat gak makan nasi goreng…memula tu tgk menu cam nak tamak, nak the big plate..pastu a little voice inside me told me to not be ngada2 (also Wea's obvious voice on top of it)…dah la nak makan nasi malam2…nak amik lak the big we ordered the small one each…and guess what…punyer lahhh byk nasi! Nasib baik I listened to myself & Wea this time…ohh satu pinggan HKD38 (RM15 ok) mahal gak la for a kedai taraf2 biasa nie kan…but ktorg pedulik ape…dah lapa kan...jumpe lak yg halal…bantai je lah…

Then jalan lah balik Hotel…dgn confidentnye macam tau jalan…nasib baik we could recognize a few buildings along the way…sampai gak la hotel…mmg penat berjalan…Wea esok dah la training kan…I lepak je…check FB membalas2 wall & inbox msges…(perasan celebrity jap sbb cam non-stop wishes masuk…huhu) nasib baik bawak laptop…the broadband was free and I yg xde handphone mmg akan mati kutu la kalo tak bawak laptop kan…*need that connection to the world*(and I know Wea was secretly happy I bawak laptop tu! haha siap berbalas tweet with @pfariza lagi…hahah) …I slept off close to 4am...siap download2 movie…sbb broadband laju…

Will continue my actual bday (02-Aug) adventure in the next post (adventure lah sgt...yeah kalo ada masa & ingat)…dah panjang lebar lak membebel recording memories…need to get back to work…lunch break over now! Sorry for ayat2 yg berterabur…but that’s how I talk pun kan…salamz! Later peeps!

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak friends...

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knitfreak-to-be said...

gile la...aku bace pon cam express berterabut dalam kepala...sounds like you had a blast, good for you ;)