hate me

Have been thinking lately on the effect I have on people...
some people really hate me! gosh...and to think that I really didn't do anything to them but be myself, which was acceptable at some point in their lives when we were once friends. Well, I know people change, but whats with the expectation that we change along with them?  Why do I have to like the things they like & hate the things they hate? You don't have to like me, but hate? really? lol

It's been more than 10 years from the time we left school days, a lot of us were different back then, and we got along well, and when we left to pursue our studies and some did not keep in touch some did, what can we expect the other to be? not change at all, or to have changed so much or to be the same? I am pretty much the same, the way I am, most people say I am the same but some really changed to the point that they hate the way I am or am I just being misunderstood? Why question what I do? Seriously every single move I make you have to question? Well I'm not gonna even try anymore with this, all I did was try to close the gap by creating a conversation, but even that my intentions were questioned...hmm well I tried...

Well it just gets me thinking, what will happen to the friendships I have now 10 years down the road? Can't bear loosing friendships year in and year out, it's really sad. And the kind that when you were once so close, when you loose it, you just can't find your way back. I wonder why was the friendships so fragile? gotta analyze this, but I think the gist of it was lies, never lie to your friend coz when the truth sets out, it destroys the friendship.

On lies, you may think that you are covering your friend from something that you decided to lie about, but in the long run, we really don't need the hypocrite kinda's a no go...

One question it ok to test your friendship on a close friend? Like why would you choose to do that? Can't it just be in a form of question instead of tests that you have to self engineer or sit n discuss with someone else? I think we do this a lot not noticing it..maybe...I don't know...but I have seen real live cases and I think it's just immature. However I do test, after I asked the question n been lied to, so what else is there for me to do but to test it? Immature me! lol

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lucky said...

confuse post ko ni.. sedih ke apa? sbb ada LOL kat ujungnye..

anyway, take care babes!

shazzain said...

sedey but ending cam lol haha...
so what about my question tu? is it ok to test friends? whats ur take on this?

lucky said...

aku sbnrnya kurang berkenan pada test² ni.. nak test orang nih bukan kerja kita.. apa perasaan kita after something happened then org ckp, ooo it was only a test.. rasa geramkan? aku ada la pengalaman orang test aku.. lps tu rasa mcm kena tipu kot.. tp tgk pd situation la.. tp aku bukan jenis test² orang kot :) sbb aku ni teramat sgt lurus LOL!

shazzain said...

yeah mmg sakit ati..but sometimes i think ppl dun realize that they are testing someone, but if ur expecting a certain outcome or a wait n see kinda thing, mmg macam test la kan? like you throw someone into a situation just to see the outcome..its a test la kan..tapi kite tak sedar masa tgh buat...& bila outcome is not as expected start la nak bengang2 gan org tu...tak pun if u expect it pun org tu tetap way out!

I'm guilty of it I guess the difference is I sedar lah jugak diri kan! some people mmg tak sedar but that is just wrong lah...*sigh*