Gone are the days...

People stop telling me stuff...I have been shun out and have become a person that don't matter. Well finding out the big news from someone else or from fb is a sign enough to know i'm irrelevant. Communication with me cease when they find love or they are in a relationship, the moment breakups comes in, they look for me, or when they get married and reliaze they have lost their friendships with the others or maybe when they miss me after a few years, they come back...yes i'm used to being the door mat, have it your way, if I end up treating you that way in the future, don't blame me...hey i'm only human...and there is a limit to how much I can take. When I stop caring, I stop.

*Picture from a forwarded email*

RT @ihatequotes: If you start to miss me, remember, I didnt walk away, you let me go. (a tweet for you) -@TheLoveStrings #ihatequotes

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aisyah said...

hey. u ok? hope u are., its 1 year already in rajh.. heheh any indication to move? hahahahhahaha jahatnye aku!

Anonymous said...

felt the same learn from our mistakes ok??..we treat them as buddies..but they dont...hhmm..its harm..!

shazzain said...

Aisyah..not yet..why u planning a move?

Anon..yes those r ppl that look for u when they are sad...but when they are happy, we r practically worthless..learnt my lesson many times but kept repeating it..i guess we just believe in the good in pretty sure i'll get hit again! (yes i knw who u are!)

Unknown said...

Ko nie... you are an awesome friend. Sometimes you'd know that someone is your real friend when you meet up 5 years down the road and it's like nither of you were apart. No akwardness, no weird feelings... Jgn stress. Whatever happens, when they leave, it's their lacking of sense, not your problem at all.

Nas said...

Very nicelyt said Shaz